All-Ireland Meeting of Irish Cities – 24th January 2019, Dublin City Council

The first meeting of the all-Ireland Network of Learning Cities (Limerick, Cork, Belfast, Dublin and Derry-Strabane Learning City-Regions) was held in Cork as part of the Cork Nov 21st Learning Cities Conversations event. Cork Learning City has brought this group together and all of the City-Regions have adopted the UNESCO Guidelines for Building Learning Cities. A follow-up second meeting of this group was hosted by Dublin Learning City held in Dublin City Council on January 24th 2019, where we shared our plans for the upcoming Lifelong Learning Festivals and other updates. The group are scheduled visit Limerick on Wednesday April 10th, as part of the Lifelong Learning Festival 2019 week and we look forward to welcoming our Learning City partners and continuing to develop this network, such wonderful sharing and learning!

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