Presentation at Belfast Learning City Seminar – 6th June 2019

Representatives from Learning Limerick and the other cities from the Irish Network of Learning Cities, Cork, Dublin and Derry attended a seminar hosted Belfast Learning City on Thursday 6th June.

The seminar event was part of some research and engagement work that the group in Belfast Learning City had commissioned to help them build a framework for the development of a learning city plan for Belfast.

Learning Limerick presented on its strategy and work at the seminar. Learning Limerick Chairperson, Eimear Brophy, Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board, presented on the background to the Learning Limerick Steering group and its current initiatives. Learning Limerick were also asked to give some detail on the Limerick Learning Neighbourhoods project;  Jimmy Prior, Limerick Community Education Network, presented on this initiative and the process that the four Limerick Neighbourhoods followed in preparation for their launch event held on April 10th during the Lifelong Learning Festival. Limerick Community Education Network lead out on the Learning Neighbourhoods project for Limerick; in collaboration with its partners including Learning Limerick, Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board, and PAUL Partnership.

Belfast Learning City’s consultant, Colin Neilands, also shared some his feedback findings from the desk research and interviews etc that he had conducted at the seminar.   Colin had consulted with the other cities in the Irish Network, including Limerick, around their city’s journey and exploring examples of each city’s priorities and initiatives. Among the themes explored were how cities have integrated the Learning City initiative with other city initiatives; and how the UNESCO status has assisted the cities in progressing their desired outcomes; also the various models used by cities for evaluating their learning city’s performance.


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