West Limerick Resources is a community development organisation working to achieve positive change in the lives of people and groups in West Limerick. Their efforts are directed at building a stronger community through the enhancement of personal and community identity, values, places, structure and services. Some of their programmes include: Social Inclusion Community Activation Programme
Posts Categorized: Our Partners
Limerick Mental Health Association (LMHA) promotes positive mental health across Limerick City and County. Our mission is to promote positive mental health and wellbeing for the Limerick community and to support adults on their recovery journey through peer-led engagement and activities. Our vision for Limerick is a place where people value their own and each
The values of participation, equality and respect for fundamental rights are prerequisites for integration and underline the work of the Limerick Integration Working Group (IWG). Comprising of 18 statutory, voluntary and community groups, the IWG is dedicated to promoting integration and celebrating diversity in Limerick. JRS Ireland and Doras Luimni serve as joint chairs and
LCEN, established in 1993, is a network of fifteen community organisations and statutory agencies involved in the provision of Community Adult Education in Limerick City. LCEN promotes and supports adult learning in local communities, ensures there is no duplication in provision and facilitates adult learners to access accredited and non-accredited programmes across the city. LCEN
The Limerick City-wide Children and Youth Forum is made up of practitioners from the community, voluntary and statutory sector who work with children and young people in the city to help their development. The Forum works in partnership to share information and identify and address gaps in services so outcomes for children and young people
Limerick Childcare Committee was established in January 2014 following the merger of County Limerick Childcare Committee and Limerick City Childcare Committee. It aims to promote the development of a co-ordinated, integrated, inclusive, strategic approach to the delivery of accessible, affordable, culturally appropriate, high quality childcare services that meet the overall developmental needs of children whilst
The Limerick Chamber Skillnet operates under the umbrella of Skillnet Ireland, with over 65 networks around Ireland. The name “Skillnet” reflects the marriage of the two core aspects of what we facilitate, upskilling and networking. In our non-profit capacity, Limerick Chamber Skillnet is funded by Skillnet Ireland and member companies. Skillnet Ireland is funded from
The INOU was formed in 1987 against a backdrop of high unemployment, low participation rates, long-term unemployment and mass emigration. At the time, the scale of the unemployment crisis was such that collective action was needed both to bring forward potential solutions and to ensure that unemployed people had access to programmes and services and
In 2017 the Department of Social Protection was renamed The Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection. The Department supports the Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection in the discharge of governmental, parliamentary and departmental duties. The Department plays a key role in supporting those most in need, including children and their parents, people
Creative Ireland is a culture-based programme designed to promote individual, community and national wellbeing. The core proposition is that participation in cultural activity drives personal and collective creativity, with significant implications for individual and societal wellbeing and achievement. The Creative Ireland programme focuses on the themes of identity, culture and citizenship and Limerick’s part in